2025 2nd Mortlake Quiz Night
We would like to invite parents and carers (please note this is an adult only event) to the annual 2nd Mortlake Scout Group Quiz Night.
Doors open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start and will finish by 10.30pm.
Tickets are £17.50 per person which includes food. Payment will be collected via OSM.
We are now able to start the building of our new storage area but need to raise a further £5000 to complete the internal parts – so all profits will be allocated towards this.
A pay bar will be open on the night.
Please organise your own team – maximum 8 people or we will be pleased to allocate you to a team on the night.
Please click on the OSM link and indicate whether or not you are able to attend, how many tickets you would like, whether you are vegetarian and whether you can help on the evening at the bar or serving food or in the day with cooking/food preparation.
Scout Hut