About Us
We are part of the Richmond upon Thames Scout District which has 24 Scout Groups, 12 Explorer Units and Scouting Network serving young people aged 4 to 24 across the borough. The District is part of the Greater London South West County.
The Scouts
The Scouts (also known as The Scout Association) exist by the authority of a Royal Charter, granted by King George V in 1912 and supplemented by further Charters granted by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II. These Charters give authority to the Bye Laws of the Association, which are approved by Her Majesty’s Privy Council. The Bye Laws in turn, authorise the making of Rules for the Regulation of the Association’s affairs.
Scouting started with an experimental camp on Brownsea Island in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell. He wrote the book ‘Scouting for Boys’. Very soon other boys and girls wanted to join in the fun and games. In 1910 he asked his Wife, Olave, to start the Girl Guide Movement. In 1916 as there were so many younger brothers wanting to join, he formed the ‘Wolf Cubs’. In 1920 at a Rally at Crystal Palace he was proclaimed ‘World Chief Scout. Scouting had already started to spread outside the United Kingdom. In 1968 the word “Boy” was dropped from the Boy Scout Association. Also the Wolf Cubs name was changed to “Cub Scouts”. In 1986 Beaver Scouts were introduced for the younger members who are now celebrating their first 25 years. In 2021 Squirrels was launched for young people aged 4-6.
2007 saw the Centenary of the first camp on Brownsea Island which is in Poole Harbour off the coast of Bournemouth. There were many celebrations including a World Jamboree in the United Kingdom and hundreds of County and District Camps around the Country.
His Majesty King Charles III was confirmed as the Scouts new Patron in 2024. It was also announced that Dwayne Fields, adventurer and TV presenter, was the UK’s new Chief Scout. Dwayne is the 11th Chief Scout to lead the half a million young people and adult volunteers in Scouting in the UK. During his time as Chief Scout, Dwayne aims to inspire even more young people and adult volunteers to join from all backgrounds.
Our Aim
The Aim of the Scouts is to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens as members of their local, national and international communities. The Scouts are a voluntary organisation.

Hut Re-opening after renovation in 2017
The Scout Group is made up of five Sections
- Squirrel Scouts 4-6 years
- Beavers 6-8 years
- Cub Scouts 8-10.5 years
- Scouts 10.5-14 years
- Explorers 14-18 years
Each Section has its own Promise, Law and Regulations.